
What a crazy time we are in. There is a lot of dire news being thrown at us every day, all day. I don’t know about you, but almost every conversation I have, every day, somehow includes Covid-19. I go to bed thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. The constant stress of it is wearing, and we haven’t even hit the “peak”. So, what can we do?

The fact is, the more we think about it and worry, the more we think about it and worry.  We must find ways to shift our thoughts and create a stronger sense of faith and optimism, and we can rewire our brains thru repetition of new thoughts and behaviors.

We can start by looking at this as an opportunity for a new beginning, nothing going forward will be the same, so how can we in our own way create a positive change.

As I look back at past Blogs, I talk about ways to address the Challenges (Dec 2019) life throws at us, how important Relationships (July 2019) are for our health and wellbeing, examining our relationship with Trust (March 2019) and Fear (April 2019), being a Leader (Dec 2019) of our own lives, Living in the Moment (Nov 2019) and the wisdom of Tao (Feb 2019) reminding us that we can choose how we experience life, and about acceptance.

I recently received an email from a dear friend, reminding me that it takes practice to create a mind that can tolerate the discomfort of uncertainty, especially in a world that tries so hard to control everything.

Be comfortable with ambiguity, trust it will work out the way in which it was meant to and try to just BE present.