Bigger, Better, Faster, More, or …

It seems the pace of life just keeps increasing.
Life has become more of a race or a constant contest – all aspects of it.
Corporately there is a constant push to work harder, faster, become bigger, make more, first to market, best in class, lowest price, 24/7 service.
On a personal level, it has long surpassed “keeping up with the Jones” and has become a show of who has the biggest, best, newest, most expensive, and simply more.

It is exhausting!

The “Boiling Frog” syndrome comes to mind, I think we have become so accustomed to this as it has evolved, we hardly notice it.

What if instead of Bigger we right sized – what is just right?
What if instead of Better we looked at what works and what “better” means? Is “better” actually “better”?
What if instead of Faster we slowed down, really spent time creating a craft, looking at the process, enjoying time together, thinking about what we are doing and how we are interacting?
What if instead of More we actually were okay with Less?

How do you feel when you read this?

As we look at global warming, environmental management, political unrest locally, nationally, and internationally, community and family connection, or a lack of, is it possible to step back – look at what really matters and give our attention to that?

Maybe not, maybe we would get passed by, maybe we would not meet our goals, or our margins.
What would others think of us? Judgment….urgh!
OR – maybe this would be okay.
Maybe this would allow space to look at other ways, or give permission to right size, slow down, have less, pay attention to the little things and find collective peace.

How do you feel when you read this?

Remember we can all make a difference in our own lives by making different choices, and even our slightest shift creates a ripple.