
I have been struggling with a topic for this month. I have talked with a few friends about the exhaustion I have been experiencing from all the opinions and the media swirl – so it seems counter to post yet another opinion on a media platform.

It is important that we formulate opinions and share our thoughts, and it is important that we listen to the opinions of others, that may not be the same as ours. How are these exchanged? Do we battle for our opinion to prove it is “right”? Are we curious about an opinion that is different than ours, or do we judge it as wrong and discard it? Are we afraid of these differences because we do not understand them and they test our own belief systems, a belief system that we may never have tested ourselves?

We all have our own perspective on life which comes from not only our experiences, but how we interpret them. To understand another’s perspective is impossible, yet to be genuinely curious about this perspective brings us closer than you know.

Be care- filled with the opinions you share, the ones your listen to, the perspectives you hold and the ones you know nothing about. Turn down the “noise” and sit in the silence, yours and others – without the fear of the discomfort. You might actually find it comforting.

As a swimmer, I like the analogy of splashing on the surface, or taking a deep breath and going below the surface into the silent beauty.