
I have given several presentations on the topic of self-awareness in the last 6 months, and it is exciting to see the interest in this foundational topic on the rise. Self-Awareness is foundational in how we live our lives; how we show up, how we interact with others, how we perform in teams and how we lead. There is not (unfortunately) a book, an article or a “How to” video online that will make you self-aware and it is not a task on a checklist. Self-awareness is not a destination it is a lifelong journey, and as you explore deeper you discover how much more there is to discover. A few thoughts for your journey…

  • Begin by thinking about Who you are not What you are. David Brooks refers to this as our Resume virtues vs Eulogy virtues, in his book “Road to Character”
  • Self-awareness is about turning inward. So much of our lives are focused on external influences.
    • What’s important to You?
    • What do You want in life?
    • Create a personal vision
    • What is your relationship with yourself, do you accept, respect and value who you are?
  • Think about your “map of reality” your “default operating system “
    • Often this map is established in childhood. Examine your default thought or action, where did it come from, does it still serve you?
    • Is your map out of date? Your computer and phone are updated regularly, does your operating system need updating?

Self-awareness is not only exploring who we are, but understanding we are different from others, and learning how to accept and respect what makes each of us unique in our relationships, both personally and professionally.

“To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.E.E. Cummings