
Perception is Reality

February of 2022, we are approaching the two year mark of the initial impacts of the Covid pandemic which changed everything, how we operate on a daily basis and how…

Are you Adaptable?

I recently came across this Forbes article about signs of adaptability by Jeff Boss written six years ago. It has increased relevance today as we continue to navigate the continuing…

Interesting or Interested

Most people love to talk about themselves, share a great story or tell you about their experiences and why they have all the answers. According to Todd Kashdan however, “Being…

“Beneficial Communication”

Most of us have multiple examples of poor communication, miscommunication, and no communication. Maybe with friends, parents, kids, spouse, partner, co-worker, boss, a sales professional, the list goes on. We…

Change your Life

“It’s in the Small Habits –How you spend your mornings.How you talk to yourself.What you read.What you watch.Who you share your energy with.Who has access to you.– That will change…

A Year for Change

As we look back at 2020 what changed for you personally? Where you may have noticed an ending, did you notice an opening for a new beginning? What is something…

Three Bones

2020 is soon coming to an end, and for many, pandemic fatigue has settled deep into our beings. We know we have not reached the end and that this will…


It is our collective differences, all around the world, that enrich the texture of our human fabric we call life. Explore the beauty of this fabric with curiosity and add…


“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist, above is one of my new favorite…


As a human being connection is fundamentally important for our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing. Every human (animal or plant) encounter we experience is a connection, the level of…


I have been struggling with a topic for this month. I have talked with a few friends about the exhaustion I have been experiencing from all the opinions and the…


The past few months have brought out many different responses from people, I find it curious. It has created a shift in our routines, made us realize we don’t have…


What a crazy time we are in. There is a lot of dire news being thrown at us every day, all day. I don’t know about you, but almost every…


I attended a funeral for a teacher over the weekend, and as with most funerals, I found myself reflecting on my own life. The Deacon pointed out being a teacher…

More Sleep, Please

I just finished reading “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker and was so stuck by the power of sleep and the lack of it we get, that I decided to…

Happy New Year 2020

Here we are at the start of another year. Are you are thinking about your New Year’s resolutions or changes you want to make for the coming year? As I…

Live in the Moment

We hear over and over live in the moment, enjoy the experiences of life, recognize the lessons, appreciate the beauty, make the most of what you have. How do we…

Neuroscience Based Coaching

Recently I completed a Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching program and I am currently in the certification process. How the brain works has always fascinated me, and coaching is all…

Desire and Intention

I believe there isn’t a more powerful equation than Desire + Intention = Goal (a few engineers, scientists or mathematicians might challenge me on this) This is a key equation…

EQ ….“What’s that?”

When I mention EQ the question I often get is “What’s that?” EQ or Emotional Intelligence Quotient is most easily defined as a “Cross-section of interrelated emotional and social competencies…

Investing in Relationships

In the corporate world, Networking is Key, we hear it all the time, we may say it often and safe to say most everyone knows this.  However how to network…


I have a friend who shakes their head no while saying yes, usually leaving me a bit confused which one they actually meant. This is an obvious, yet benign, example…


Most of us have heard the phrase “the only constant is change” and this is so very clear as we look back at our lives. Change is so difficult for…

Fear Blocks Team Building

In Stephen Covey’s “Speed of Trust” his following statement about TRUST is equally true for FEAR – “It under grids and affects the quality of every relationship, every communication, every…

The Tao of Pooh

I am often asked about leadership, everyone is looking for the silver bullet, the 3-step program, the perfect book to outlay the “how to”. Ironically this is exactly what leadership…


We are all constantly seeking balance, it’s human nature, yet imbalance tends to be our way of life. There is a lot of talk in the corporate world about work…

Leadership – How you show up

There are so many definitions of what people believe to be leadership, but more consistently you will find that most people believe that “Leadership” is an entity, a group of…


I have given several presentations on the topic of self-awareness in the last 6 months, and it is exciting to see the interest in this foundational topic on the rise.…

Positive Culture / Environment

The online definition for “Culture” is the behaviors, beliefs and characteristics of a group, and for “Environment” it is the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions or influences. The social and…

Stone Soup

I often refer to the old French tale “Stone Soup” written by Marcia Brown in 1947, when talking about teams. Three hungry strangers wander into a small village, the village…

Life Beyond the City

In June I attended the MN Rural Health Conference in Duluth, MN. The focus was on education and accessibility of Mental Health, Healthy lifestyle choices, and Aging in rural MN.…
Sue Stock Blog

Play; it really works

I have been rereading Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Stuart Brown M.D.  I am always happy to be reminded that play…
Sue Stock Blog


This is the time of year when I find myself thinking about gratitude and abundance.  I  wonder how our perception of  plentitude shapes our behavior and our world view.  When…
Sue Stock Blog


IBM spoke with more than 1,700 CEOs and senior public sector leaders from around the globe as a part of their 2012 Global CEO study.  One of the  2012 key…
Sue Stock Blog

Stop and take note

How often do we get together with friends and loved ones for no other reason than to converse, about nothing in particular and everything in general?  How often do we…